
Web Build Standards


  • All images must have descriptive alt tags.
  • Optimize images for web: Use 1920-2400px on the longest side for large background and hero images; max 1200px for others. Prefer WEBP format.
  • Ensure images are proportional; avoid forced sizing that causes distortion.
  • Use SVGs for logos and custom icons when possible.
  • Logos in the header and footer should link to the home page using global dynamic link.
SEO + Links

  • One H1 Per Page: Ensure only one H1 tag is used per page, all others should be H2, H3, spans and so on.
  • Meta Tags: Include relevant meta titles and descriptions for each page.
  • Relative Linking: Use relative links such as /contact/ where possible.
  • Phone Number Links: Format phone numbers as clickable links using the tel: protocol (e.g., tel:+1234567890).
  • Use Cornerstone Link Fields: Always use the Cornerstone link fields to insert links rather than hard-coding them in HTML or directly in content. This ensures consistency and easier updates.
Visual Consistency

  • Global Color Palette: Use the global color palette in Cornerstone for as many elements as possible, including solid WHITE and solid BLACK.
  • Interaction States: Ensure all buttons and interactive elements have defined hover, focus, and active states.
  • Build Buttons as DIVs: Construct buttons as DIVs containing a headline and an icon, using default components from the Blueprint where possible.
  • Scroll Animations: Use subtle scroll-in animations, preferably on images. Avoid flashy or large-scale transitions or FX. The default scroll-in animation often works fine.
  • Homepage Video: Include at least one video element on the homepage if possible, ideally a 5-10 second video loop for backgrounds.
Measuring Quality + QA

  • Visual Consistency: Ensure the design is matching the approved mockups.
  • Functionality: All interactive elements (buttons, forms, links) must function correctly.
  • SEO Compliance: Verify that all pages meet basic SEO requirements (e.g., H1 tags, meta descriptions).
Thank you.